Turistické informační centrumPříbor


The book of Příbor – town chronicles

Town chronicle, which is a chronological record and description of important and memorable events from town’s life is being written by every municipality.  It serves as a source of information for future generations and for educational purpose.  According to the regulation No. 132/2006 from the 14th of March, 2006 it is obligatory for the municipality to do one annual entry to the chronicle.

Citizens of the town have right to read town chronicles during limited hours, directly at the municipal office.  Reading the chronicles always takes place in chronicler’s presence. In Příbor it’s enough to make a phone appointment or to agree on a suitable date and time of the meeting via email, directly with the chronicler.

Annuals from 1988 until 2011 are currently being stored in the archive at the town hall in Příbor. At this point, in preparation are the documents for year 2012. As the town is responsible for the information contained in the text, chronicler must prepare the record from previous year to be viewed by mayor and town council latest until 31st of May 2012. Afterwards this text is being manually copied into the books by the chronicler.

Town citizens older than 18 or any other person to whom the law grants rights of citizen of the municipality may suggest a change, addition or correction to the chronicle’s content. In order to do so, a written application is required. If the submitted proposal will become successful, town will correct, supplement or otherwise change the information in the chronicle. 

Writing down  "memories of the community" became obligatory in 1920 but in needs to be mentioned that not all the communities started only with  year 1921. Some of the records went back as far as to the WW1. It seems like chroniclers of Příbor were always doing their job very responsibly because not even one year is missing out of the town’s record! At present the seventh volume of the chronicles is being written. Annum 2012 will appear in the new, eight volume.


Volume I 1921-1945 State District Archive Nový Jičín: written by J.  Andrys, Fr. Vojtěchovský,

 J. Filipský J. Hrnčárek.

Volume II 1945-59 State District Archive Nový Jičín: written by V. Sasín, J. Nehýbl, J. Hřeblo, A. Sattek.

Volume III 1960-74 State District Archive Nový Jičín: written by A. Sattek, Č. Hrnčárek,

L. Loukotka.

Volume IV 1975-87 State District Archive Nový Jičín: written by L. Loukotka.

Volume V 1988-96 Příbor Municipal Office archive: written by L. Loukotka.

Volume VI  1997-2004 Příbor Municipal Office archive: written by L. Loukotka.

Volume VII 2005-2011 Příbor Municipal Office archive: written by L. Loukotka - in May 2011.

A chronicler of Příbor is Mgr. Irena Nedomová.  She has been appointed for that post by the Town Council of Příbor in August, 2011.

Chronicles covering period from 1921 (going back to war years) until 1987 are accessible for reading online and can be found in electronic form on the website of State District Archive.

 1914 - 1945


  1945 - 1959


  1960 - 1974


 1975 - 1987






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today, Sunday 16. 2. 2025
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